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MACS_Vue de l'exposition Aline Bouvy_Cruising Bye ©photo Isabelle Arthuis (10).jpg

Aline Bouvy

Cruising Bye at the MACS in Grand Hornu 

MACS_Vue de l'exposition Aline Bouvy_Cruising Bye ©photo Isabelle Arthuis (1).jpg

Cruising Bye

As its title Cruising Bye suggests, Aline Bouvy’s exhibition at the MACS is presented as a form of loitering, in that it is as much about sexual vagrancy and police patrols as stray dogs and queer flirtations.


On the horizon of this poetic, transgressive deviation, we spy the utopia of a fluid sexuality which the visual artist assimilates an ongoing critique of the codes which society uses to keep our bodies in check and contains its desires. 

Practical information

MACS_Vue de l'exposition Aline Bouvy_Cruising Bye ©photo Isabelle Arthuis (8).jpg

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